Niko Niko Fukuoka Tennis🎾福岡のテニスサークル
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**Hi Everyone, Nice to meet you!!**🎾
First, I want to say thank you for your participation. We welcome men and women who have experience and those who have just started playing tennis.
It is held every Saturday night from 17:00-19:00 or 19:00-21:00
at the tennis court in Hakatano-mori.
The rules of the game are as follows:
1. The Participation fee is 1,000 yen per player.
2. Always be kind and polite to one another regardless if there is a mistake.
Reminders: Even beginners can play tennis with no worries at all Benefits and Reasons for playing Tennis
1. To eliminate the lack of exercise.
2. I want to challenge myself.
3. I want to lose weight.
4. I want tennis friends.
5. It looks fun.
Anyway, if you want to have fun, Playing Tennis is the best sport.
テニスが好き。 運動不足解消に。 挑戦したい。 痩せたい。 テニスの友達がほしい。 楽しそう。とにかく楽しみたい人は是非一緒に体を動かしましょう♩♩♩